
Lab Darshi

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+91 93547 06525

About Us


Sales Growth



About Lab Darshi

10+ Years of Experience in Digital Marketing & Strategy

We think, we research, we create, for our clients, we thrive to deliver best solutions to their every problem.

We Think

We believe that every challenge presents an opportunity.

We Research

Industry trends, consumer behavior & opportunities.

We Create

Tailored solutions designed to elevate your success.

Our Vision

Lab Darshi wants to give you and your brand an impactful voice and is driven to be part of your success story

Our Mission

We want to create an ecosystem that benefits every home entrepreneur, and makes them accessible to a wider audience by better strategy and marketing.

Our Support

We thrive to deliver best solutions to their every problem. We are hungry for creativity and passionate about driving results.

Our Awards

Our real awards is our client success and growth. We are every time ready to go out of the box for our Clients

Meet Our Founder

In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the visionary leader at the helm of a prominent company is often the driving force behind its success. As the Founder & CEO of Lab Darshi, Rajesh Singh Thakur has emerged as a trailblazer in the realm of digital marketing, steering the company to new heights through innovation, strategic thinking, and a relentless commitment to excellence.

Rajesh Singh Thakur founded Lab Darshi with a vision to redefine the digital marketing space by offering cutting-edge solutions that cater to the evolving needs of businesses in the digital age. With a profound understanding of the digital landscape, Rajesh Singh has successfully positioned the company as a trendsetter, staying ahead of the curve in an industry that is known for its rapid changes.

One of the key strengths of Rajesh Singh lies in their ability to anticipate industry trends and leverage emerging technologies to create effective marketing strategies. This forward-thinking approach has not only allowed Lab Darshi to adapt to the ever-changing digital ecosystem but also to be a thought leader, influencing the industry’s direction.

Rajesh Singh’s hands-on approach and strategic acumen have fostered a culture of excellence within the organization, inspiring teams to push boundaries and explore new avenues in the digital marketing landscape.

Beyond the boardroom, Rajesh Singh is recognized for their industry contributions, often participating in conferences, seminars, and thought leadership forums. Their insights and thought-provoking ideas have positioned Rajesh Singh as a respected authority in the digital marketing domain.

Why Choose Us

We Provide Best Service For Social Media Marketing

We think, we research, we create, for our clients, we thrive to deliver best solutions to their every problem. We’re dedicated to transforming your digital presence and propelling your business to new heights

Innovation and Creativity

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, innovation is key. We stay ahead of the curve to bring you the latest trends and creative solutions.

Best Strategy

We understand that every business is unique. That's why we tailor our digital marketing strategies to meet your specific needs and objectives.

Affordable Price

We believe in providing cost-effective solutions that cater to your budget while still delivering exceptional results.

24/7 Support

We're proud to offer 24/7 support to ensure you have the assistance you need, whenever you need it.

Our Process

Easy Steps To Get Your Solution

We value your questions, feedback, and inquiries. Whether you’re interested in our services, have a specific project in mind, or simply want to connect, We’re here to listen and assist you.

Connect us

We look forward to hearing from you and exploring how we can assist you

Start Consultation

Your communication is important to us, and we're here to help in any way we can.

Execute the Idea

Rake action and work collaboratively to bring an idea to fruition.

Need Advice For Your Social Media Marketing?

We aim to demystify social media marketing and provide answers to questions that both beginners and experienced marketers may have. Whether you’re exploring the potential of social media for your business or looking to refine your existing strategies, you’ll find valuable information here.